08 Works, The Art of War, Leonardo da Vinci and Anselm Feuerbach imbedded with Alma and her Warrior, with footnotes

After Leonardo da Vinci
The warriors assemble
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In the midst of a rugged field, where grains of sand mingle with tufts of grass, Alma and her troop of  Bedouin women stand tall. Clad in ornate, oriental armor, each woman exudes a sense of power and resilience. The armor shimmers with a blend of gold and bronze hues, reflecting the warm desert sunlight. Engraved with delicate motifs, it tells stories of ancient battles and victories.

After Leonardo da Vinci
More women join With Alma's Troop
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As the warriors approach the enemy more women join them to help protect their families and children!

After Anselm Feuerbach
The women draw their bows
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After  Leonardo da Vinci
Alma Fires Her Arrows
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As the enemy approaches, the warrior women draw their bows with grace and precision. With arrows coated in determination, they unleash a volley towards their foes, their movements fluid and swift. The whistling sound of arrows fills the air, like whispers of defiance against impending chaos.

After Anselm Feuerbach
The arrows find their targets
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After Anselm Feuerbach
Their arrows find their targets
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Amidst the chaos, their archery skills are unmatched. The arrows find their targets with deadly accuracy, piercing the hearts of their enemies. Their faces, smudged with streaks of war paint, bear a steely determination, yet their eyes gleam with an untamed fire that demonstrates their undying spirit.

After Leonardo da Vinci
Alma and her Troop Advance
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After Leonardo da Vinci
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The field around them becomes a canvas of dust and destruction, as the clash of battle unfolds. Their footsteps leave imprints behind, blending with the kick-up of dirt, creating a dance of primal energy. The earth beneath them trembles at their presence, witnessing both their breathtaking beauty and unwavering courage.

In the midst of the turmoil, a powerful sense of sisterhood resonates among them. Each woman stands by her comrades, weaving an unbreakable bond. They fought not only for themselves but for the protection of their tribe, their heritage, and their way of life.

Alma was by far the most distinguished of women because of her many superior qualities, especially because of the bravery she demonstrated in defense of her people.

Islam elevated the status of women, treating them on an equal footing with a man. Women had a newfound independent identity, in the physical and spiritual spheres.

Islamic history is full of warrior women who fiercely fought for what they believed in, defended what they cherished, and defied all expectations and became legends.

The Warrior Woman is an ancient archetype that is not well known because the stories have been both forgotten and suppressed. Mythology is full of warrior goddesses.

Traditionally, the Bedouin were among the most dangerous of desert tribes, fighting among themselves when outsiders weren’t available. Constantly on the move to find new pastures for their livestock, they learned to live with the minimum of possessions and little external support in the harshest of lands. Loyalty to tribe and family was all that helped a warrior survive. More on Desert Warriors

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