01 Work, The Art of War, Henry Zaidan's The Arab horsemen emerged, with footnotes

Henry Zaidan
The Arab horsemen emerged
AI Creation

The wind whispered through the barren desert, carrying with it a sense of loss and despair. The Arab horsemen, clad in white garments, rode towards the battlefield where the fallen soldiers lay. Each of them bore the weight of sorrow in their eyes, the deep lines etching their faces with grief and weariness.

In perfect unison, the horsemen knelt beside the lifeless bodies, paying their respects to the fallen. Their calloused hands, weathered by battles and hardships, cradled each soldier with utmost care and tenderness. A solemnness hung in the air, a profound sense of reverence emanating from the horsemen's every action.

As the Arab horsemen gently lifted the fallen soldiers onto their horses, their movements seemed to carry not only physical weight but also the weight of collective mourning. The horses stood still, as if understanding the sacredness of the duty they were performing.

With each fallen soldier laid on the back of a horse, the horsemen mounted their steeds once again, their faces heavy with sorrow but filled with an unwavering determination. They formed a solemn procession, slowly riding away from the battlefield, carrying the fallen warriors towards their final resting place.

And so, the Arab horsemen continued their journey, their souls burdened yet resolute. They rode on, the echo of horse hooves fading in the distance, leaving behind a testament to the enduring spirit of honor, even in the face of devastation.

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