14 Works, The Art of War, Henry Zaidan's Night Raid, After Franz von Stuck, with footnotes

Henry Zaidan
Alma rushing to put get to the battle, After Franz von Stuck
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The enemy launched a surprise assault in the dead of the night. Alma deftly tightens her grip on her trusty sword, her mind becomes laser-focused. Years of training and countless battles have honed her instincts, making her a force to be reckoned with. She knows that this is not merely a clash of weapons but a test of her mettle, her determination, and her unwavering resolve.

Henry Zaidan
With Just a Shield and Sword, After Franz von Stuck
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As she deftly adjusts her armor, Alma's mind becomes laser-focused. Years of training and countless battles have honed her instincts, making her a force to be reckoned with. She knows that this is not merely a clash of weapons but a test of her mettle, her determination, and her unwavering resolve.

Henry Zaidan
Alma takes command, After Franz von Stuck
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The moonlight illuminates their determined faces as Alma takes command, rallying her comrades to stand strong. Though unarmed with their protective gear, their spirits blaze with unwavering resolve. Alma reminds them of their training, their shared purpose, and the lives they fight to defend. They lock eyes, each warrior knowing that they hold the lives of their comrades in their hands.

Henry Zaidan
The unprepared fall, After Franz von Stuck
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Alma's heart sinks as she recognizes the faces of those who have fallen. Some were once vibrant and full of life, now lying still and cold on the blood-soaked ground. These were warriors who had trained alongside her, shared stories around the campfire, and dreamt of a brighter future. Now, their dreams have been abruptly extinguished.

Henry Zaidan
They charge towards the enemy, After Franz von Stuck
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With a collective breath, they charge towards the enemy, their movements fluid and synchronized. Every step carries the weight of their unbreakable bond, their trust in each other's abilities. Alma leads by example, her sword slashing through the air with calculated precision.

Henry Zaidan
Taking cover behind their horses, After Franz von Stuck
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As Alma and her warriors move forward, their resolve burns brighter than ever. With each battle, their preparedness becomes a shield against the chaos and uncertainty of war. No longer caught off guard, they emerge as a force to be reckoned with, fighting not only for victory but to honor the memory of those who fell due to unpreparedness.

Henry Zaidan
Taking cover behind any shield, After Franz von Stuck
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Henry Zaidan
Holding the lineAfter Franz von Stuck
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By holding the enemy back, they can maintain control over their crucial areas, limit the enemy's options, and safeguard their own forces, allowing for potential counteroffensives or reinforcements.

Henry Zaidan
They have stopped the enemy advance, After Franz von Stuck
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The enemy advance seems to have been stopped, but Alma's fight is not just against them. It is a fight for understanding and unity. Someday her people and their adversaries can find common ground and live in peace.

Henry Zaidan
The Survivors, After Franz von Stuck
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Grief washes over Alma and her surviving comrades as they mourn the loss of their fallen brothers and sisters. They had fought side by side, relying on each other's strength and unwavering support. Their absence leaves an immeasurable void, a stark reminder of the importance of preparedness in the face of battle.

Henry Zaidan
Its time to mourn, After Franz von Stuck
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Alma gathers her remaining warriors, ensuring that they take a moment to pay tribute to the fallen. She reflects on the harsh reality that their lives were cut short due to a lack of readiness. They were caught off guard, unprepared for the sudden onslaught. Alma vows that their sacrifice will not be in vain.

Henry Zaidan
Helping the wounded, After Franz von Stuck
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Helping the wounded involves a range of activities and services aimed at stabilizing and treating injuries, alleviating pain, preventing further harm, and facilitating recovery. 

Henry Zaidan
Helping the wounded, After Franz von Stuck
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They administer immediate relief, such as stopping bleeding, securing airways, and preventing shock.

With heavy hearts and a renewed sense of purpose, Alma and her surviving comrades bury the fallen. They honor them with a solemn ceremony, vowing to carry their memory and legacy forward.

Franz Stuck  (1863–1928)
Wounded Amazon, c.1904
Oil on canvas
62.8 × 72.7 cm (24.7 × 28.6 in)
Harvard Art Museums

As both a founder of the Munich Secession and an influential teacher at the city’s Royal Academy, Franz von Stuck was a central figure in Munich’s art world at the turn of the twentieth century. His modern interpretation of the antique in works such as this sculpture and painting brought him particular success. Wounded Amazon (2002.96) depicts a battle between Amazons and centaurs; the particular subject is not found in classical mythology but is of the artist’s own invention. Though he was clearly influenced by the antiquities in Munich’s Glyptothek museum, Stuck based the painting on photographic studies of a model posed in his studio. Ever since he had featured the goddess Athena on the poster for the first Munich Secession exhibition in 1893, classical female warriors had appeared in his work as symbols of the new art. There are two other versions of this painting, and the artist eventually produced three life-sized versions of the sculpture (2003.132). One was installed outside Villa Stuck, the home he had designed for himself in Munich. More on this painting

Franz Stuck (February 23, 1863 – August 30, 1928) was a German painter, sculptor, engraver, and architect. Born at Tettenweis near Passau, Stuck displayed an affinity for drawing and caricature from an early age. To begin his artistic education he relocated in 1878 to Munich, where he would settle for life. From 1881 to 1885 Stuck attended the Munich Academy.
In 1889 he exhibited his first paintings at the Munich Glass Palace, winning a gold medal for The Guardian of Paradise. In 1892 Stuck co-founded the Munich Secession, and also executed his first sculpture, Athlete. The next year he won further acclaim with the critical and public success of what is now his most famous work, the painting The Sin. Also during 1893, Stuck was awarded a gold medal for painting at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and was appointed to a royal professorship. In 1895 he began teaching painting at the Munich Academy.

Having attained much fame by this time, Stuck was ennobled on December 9, 1905 and would receive further public honours from around Europe during the remainder of his life. He continued to be well respected among young artists as professor at the Munich Academy, even after his artistic styles became unfashionable. More on Franz von Stuck

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